Clan Mackay Society of the USA |
Clan Mackay Society USA
Scholarship Program
Each fiscal year Clan Mackay Society USA, Inc. (Clan Mackay) will award up to two scholarships in the amount of $200.00 each. Awards are payable to the recipient AND the school / teacher.
Applicants must be dedicated to continuing their instruction and furthering their education in the field of Scottish arts which includes, but is not limited to, piping, drumming, dancing, athletics, Scottish related languages or general Scottish studies that promote the culture, customs, traditions and history of the people of Scotland, with particular emphasis on the Clan Mackay. Scholarships are given only for a specific training or educational opportunity that is to be specified in the application.
To be eligible, an applicant must be a current (active) member of Clan Mackay USA, and have been an active member for a minimum of two consecutive years or, if a dependent by IRS criteria of an active member holding a family membership for a minimum of two consecutive years. Active membership will be certified by the Membership Secretary and determined following receipt of application for scholarship. Families should be aware that only a single award may be given to one family. Members of the scholarship committee and their dependants by IRS criteria are not eligible.
For more information, download the application, here. |
Leslie Dietrich
12216 S.W. 26th Street
Yukon, Oklahoma 73099
(405) 808-9580
Past Recepients |
2010 |
Madelynne Cable - Highland Dancing |
2009 |
Cindy Kimove - Drummer
(Cindy resides in Canada and is a member of Clan Mackay USA) |
2008 |
Abigal Carpenter - Fiddle |
Tim Carpenter - Fiddle |
Warren Hinson - Drums |
Mary Elisabeth Mackay - Dance |
2007 |
Warren Raymond Hinson, NC - Drums |
Luke McKay Smith, AR - Piping |
2006 |
Jeff Herbster, ME - Piping |
Luke McKay Smith, AR - Piping |
The Official Website of Clan Mackay Society, USA
Web design © 2013, Grogan & Fralick Designs |